
January 4, 2009

Recap of 2008 and New Year's Resolutions

2008 went by in a flash.


I suppose it did so because there were ups and downs to that year. And, most likely, because I am not a student any longer so working fulltime makes the weeks fly by.

A quick recap of what went on in 2008:

January - This was the last full month I worked for my old boss of 7 years. It was an awful last couple of years filled with anger and bitterness. Too bad it ended the way it did but he just couldn't let it rest in dignity.

February - I started my new job on the 18th and never looked back once. It's a nice small place with great people who work there, and I'm still there to this date. Though I did have the seven months work blues, I got over that quickly. I'm happy where I am.

October - On the 25th, I had to write a certification exam. It was long and hard but I was satisfied after completing it. Finally, found a family physician to take me on as a patient.

December - On the second week of this month, I received news that I passed the certification exam. The certificate was mailed to me and I still haven't bought a frame for it yet.

Okay, that was it. ;p

My New Year's Resolutions:

1. Make more money

2. Save more money

3. Minimize eating out

4. Stop biting fingernails
5. Stop peeling dry cracked skin
6. Lose weight through exercise
7. Eat more healthy
8. Be more patient and less angry/stubborn
9. Move out into a condo/house by December

I hope I can achieve even half of that on the list. ;p

And, on that note, I'm leaving you with this cute image of my siblings and I playing "Little Big Planet":

"JUNGLE CHANNEL 56" ~ please adjust your atenna